Wednesday 8 December 2010

Farewell....for now

Well, this is it. I am almost missing it already, i've had a lot of fun these past 10 weeks getting really stuck in to designing my own personal logo, an illustration for MediaCityUK and of course, the two DPS and advertisement.

I want to continue using this blog as a platform for my future creative work, i've become really involved in this whole blogging business.

I feel like I could have done a bit better in places, mainly time management. A few times I would leave a lot until 1-2 days before. Just makes me wonder what my work might be like if I had instead spent more time on this but to be fair, I did have a lot of Uni work to juggle. Ah well, you live and learn.

Final submission tomorow. Looking forward to the feedback tbh :)

Finalised Portfolio Pages

Finalised portfolio pages tweaked from feedback.

Monday 6 December 2010

Online Magazine

My tutor, Lizz Shaw, has edited and published my articles and advertisement along with every one else who resubmitted their final DPS/AD to Issuu. Thanks Lizz :)